Alphabetical list of supported eScript commands
Alphabetical list of supported eScript commands
The eScript commands listed below are supported in the current version of the Package Deployment module or can be converted to PowerShell during eScript import:
- MSIApplyPatch
- MSIConfigureFeature
- MSIInstallProduct
- MSIReInstallProduct
- MSIUnInstallProduct
- MSIUnInstallProductEx
- MultipleChoiceDlg
- RegLoadKey
- RegModify
- RegModifyDWord
- RegModifyMultiSZ
- RegModifyQWord
- RegReadValue
- RegReadValueEx
- RegSaveKey
- RegSaveKeyEx
- RegSearchFolder
- RegUnloadKey
The following conditions from the eScript If-command are supported and can be used in the Packaging PowerBench or converted to PowerShell during eScript import:
- %..% = '..' (compare Strings)
- CheckInstallMode
- CheckPlatform
- DiskFree
- Exist
- FileDate
- FileVersion
- IsFileInUse
- IsInstalled
- IsNode
- IsProcessRunning
- IsRestartFlagSet
- IsRunningOnServerOS
- IsRunningOnX64
- IsSwPackageRevInstalled
- LineExists
- MSIIsProductInstalled
- ProductVersion
- RegKeyExists
- RegKeyExistsEx
- RegValue
- RegValueExists
- RegValueExistsEx
- WinVersion
- XMLItemExists