New in version 5.0

In PSX-version 5.0, 21 new cmdlets have been defined to further simplify your handling of objects, functions and possibilities of Ivanti DSM and to increase the comfort. This means that a total of 167 cmdlets are now available for your scripting tasks:

Managing DSM Schedule variables:

  • Get-EmdbSchedule
    Retrieves an objects of type Schedule

  • New-EmdbSchedule
    Creates a new object of type Schedule

  • Set-EmdbSchedule
    Sets the value for Schedule-type objects, either at a DSM object (like computer, ODS variable, etc.) or at an object created via New-EmdbSchedule

  • Test-EmdbSchedule
    Checks for the specified Schedule object whether it has the the desired activation status at the time specified

Managing DSM Package Platforms:

Import and Export of DSM Software-Packages:

Synchronization of structures between DSM environments:

Managing Software-Policies and -Instances:


In addition, the following extensions and additions were made: