
Creates a welcome dialog that provides the user with information about the upcoming installation and actions that must be performed before the installation can begin.

In the options you define applications to be closed and decide how they should behave during and after closing. Furthermore, you define whether it is possible to postpone the installation for a certain number of attempts, days or until a certain end date.

This command maps the 'Show-InstallationWelcome' function from the PowerShell App Deployment Toolkit.


  • Close running applications (comma-separated list)
    Specifies a comma-separated list of applications that will be terminated by the dialog. The name of the processes to be terminated is specified without the file extension (e.g. .exe). Furthermore, a user-defined description of the processes can be specified by the following syntax: winword=Microsoft Office Word,chrome=Google Chrome Browser
  • Prompt the user to save his documents
    Specifies whether the user will be prompted to save his working documents if he decides to close all applications by selecting the "Close programs" button.
  • Prevent restart of applications
    Prevents the user from restarting the processes and applications specified under "Applications to be closed".
  • Close applications after countdown (seconds)
    Allows to display a countdown in seconds until the specified applications are automatically closed. This option takes effect only if a delay is not allowed or the value defined for it has expired.
  • Allow to defer the application
    Determines whether user deferral of the installation is allowed. The following options for deferral are available: 
    • Only to close applications
      Allows the installation to be deferred only if applications are running that need to be closed.
    • Number of deferrals allowed
      Specifies how many times the installation can be deferred.
    • Number of days by which it is allowed to defer
      Describes the number of days since the first execution by which the installation can be deferred.
    • Defer until
      Specifies the deadline until which the installation can be defered.
  • Check disk space
    Specifies whether to check for sufficient available disk space for the installation. If the required disk space in megabytes (MB) is not specified, it is automatically calculated based on the size of the package files.
  • Minimize all windows when this message is displayed
    Specifies whether other windows should be minimized when the message is displayed.
  • Show as Topmost window
    Defines that the window should appear in the foreground and thus be visible all the time, regardless of other open windows.

Note: If a package is deferred via the Show-ADTInstallationWelcome command and therefore terminates, the script is exited with the return code 60012.


The following example creates a welcome dialog that allows an installation with a maximum delay of 7 days. It checks if Microsoft Office processes exist and advises the user to close them. When the applications are closed, the user is prompted to save his documents. The created dialog is displayed in the foreground, with all other windows minimized as soon as the dialog appears.

Corresponds to ADT function:

See also: