Packaging PowerBench settings
Packaging PowerBench settings
Many aspects of the Packaging PowerBench can be customized to your expectations or requirements. This starts, for example, with the display language (which you can currently set to German or English, but other languages can also be implemented on request - if you need them, please contact us), but also aspects such as the default package path or the display of the command list can be largely customized.
While in the first version of the PPB you still had to make the settings manually using a text editor in the configuration file, for version 2.0 we have created the possibility to make the relevant settings via a graphical interface within the application. We deliberately refrained from making every possible option available via the GUI, since a not insignificant part of these options is hardly relevant for a user or should usually not be changed for other reasons. Of course, you are still free to change these options via the configuration file, but we explicitly advise against this. We recommend that you limit yourself to the settings available via the graphical user interface and make the desired configuration changes via it.
To edit the settings, switch to the backstage view of the product name via the "File" ribbon. In the menu item "Options" you will find the available settings.
You can filter the name and description of the available settings by entering your search term in the "Search" field.
If you hover the mouse pointer over a setting, a tooltip with a short description of the respective option is displayed. In addition, the internal identifier of the option is displayed in square brackets, which you can use to look up the exact meaning of the setting and the respective options in the configuration settings reference.