Package Properties

In the first version of the Packaging PowerBench you had to set the properties of the packages manually in the package properties file "Package.xml" located in the package directory. From the current version on, this is possible in the graphical user interface, so the following information is basically for your information only. Of course you can still edit the properties in the package properties file, but this is not recommended.

The following properties are currently available in the package properties file:

  • ID
    Unique GUID that identifies the package. Automatically generated and used to log execution and, if necessary, for the Active Setup registry entries.
  • Name
    Package name specified when the package is created. It is also displayed in the tabs of the package files being edited and in the title bar of the window.
  • Displayname
    Optional: Localizable display name of the package.
  • Description
    Optional: Localizable description of the package.
  • Vendor
    Optional: Manufacturer of the software that installs the package.
  • Version
    Optional: Version of the software that installs the package.
  • Homepage
    Optional: Link to the homepage of the software that installs the package.
  • License
    Optional: License of the software that installs the package.
  • LicenseURL
    Optional: Link to the license agreement of the software that installs the package.
  • Revision
    Integer value of the revision of the package. When revising a package and redistributing to existing clients, this revision number is increased.
  • RevisionComment
    Optional: Comment for the current package revision
  • Architecture
    Optional: Specifies whether the packet is 32-bit or 64-bit. Is automatically entered with the value of the environment variable "Processor_Architecture".
  • Language
    Optional: Language of the software that installs the package. Is automatically entered with the currently set language of the Packaging PowerBench.
  • ScriptDate
    Optional: Specifies the date and time the package was created. Is automatically entered with the current system time.
  • ScriptAuthor
    Optional: Specifies the author of the package. Is automatically entered with the value of the environment variable "Username".
  • HasUserPart
    Specifies whether the package contains a user part. If set to 1 or True, Active Setup registry entries are created (see Packages with user parts). Default value for new packages is 0.