Synchronization of Roles

Synchronizes the custom roles of two DSM environments.


Hint: The examples require two connected PowerShell drives on the environments to be synchronized.

In the first example, the available custom roles are synchronized from the source drive to the destination drive:

$SyncSource = Get-EmdbDrive -Name Production

$SyncTarget = Get-EmdbDrive -Name Sandbox

Sync-EmdbRole -Source $SyncSource -Target $SyncTarget

If the -Mirror switch parameter is specified, the available user-defined roles of the source environment are mirrored to the target environment. This means that roles of the target environment that do not exist in the environment of the source drive are deleted there

Sync-EmdbRole -Source $SyncSource -Target $SyncTarget -Mirror

The switch parameter -IncludeWellKnown is also used to synchronize changeable system roles:

Sync-EmdbRole -Source $SyncSource -Target $SyncTarget -IncludeWellKnown