Uninstalling Policy-Instances

To uninstall the Policy Instance, the Uninstall() method can be used.


Hint: The execution of these examples requires a connected PowerShell drive.

Here Adobe Reader 9.0 is uninstalled from Workstation XP01 using the Uninstall() method.

$MyComputer = Get-EmdbComputer "emdb:\rootDSE\Managed Users & Computers\solys.local\Chicago\ITService\Workstations\XP01"

$MyPolicyInstance = $MyComputer | Get-EmdbPolicyInstance | Where-Object {$_.AssignedObjectName -eq "Adobe Reader 9.0"}


Note: If you attempt to uninstall a Policy Instance and the package assigned by the Policy Instance does not support uninstallation, the BLS sets the status to "Invalid".