Testing Image Objects

Tests the existence of the specified Image Object(s). Returns true, if the Image Object exists and false if it doesn't.


Hint: The execution of these examples requires a connected PowerShell drive.

The first example tests, if the Image Object "Windows 7 Enterprise (x64) Reference-Image" exists in the "Global Software Library\Image Library" folder:

Test-EmdbStateImage "emdb:\rootDSE\Global Software Library\Image Library\Windows 7 Enterprise (x64) Reference-Image"

The following snippet checks, if an Image Object having a name starting with "Windows 10" exists in "Global Software Library\Image Library":

Test-EmdbStateImage "emdb:\rootDSE\Global Software Library\Image Library\Windows 10*"

Finally, this command tests, if there is at least one Image Object in the "Image Library":

Test-EmdbStateImage "emdb:\rootDSE\Global Software Library\Image Library\*" -Recurse