Testing Patch Categories

Tests the existence of the specified Patch Category object(s). Returns true, if the Patch Category exists and false if it doesn't.


Hint: The execution of these examples requires a connected PowerShell drive.

The following example tests, if the (in this case: Dynamic) Patch Category object with a name of "Adobe AIR" exists in the "Global Software Library\Patch Library" container:

Test-EmdbPatchCategory "emdb:\rootDSE\Global Software Library\Patch Library\Adobe AIR"

Hint: Patch Categories can only be created (and therefore tested) directly in the context of the Patch Library folder.

In the same way, the test for the existence of the Static Patch Category "Patches that should not be installed" is done:

Cd "emdb:\rootDSE\Global Software Library\Patch Library"

Test-EmdbPatchCategory "Patches that should not be installed"

Note: The cmdlet Test-EmdbPatchCategory is not only testing for Static but also for Dynamic Patch Category objects.