Creating User-Defined HTML-Views

In order to create new User-Defined HTML-Views, the cmdlet New-EmdbUserDefinedHtmlView is used. The cmdlet has four mandatory parameters, that specify, the view's name, the object-types it is available for, if the view is displayed within the Object-Window or the Detail-Window and the URL the view invokes.


Hint: The execution of these examples requires a connected PowerShell drive.

The following example creates a new User-Defined HTML-View named "Google". The parameters "Name", "RegisteredForSchemaTag", "VisibleAs" and "Url" are supplied:

New-EmdbUserDefinedHtmlView "Google" -RegisteredForSchemaTag "OU" -VisibleAs ObjectWindow -Url ""

In order to specify the display name, that is the tab's label text in the DSMC, of an HTML-View, you supply the parameter -DisplayName. The exampel below creates a new view named "Licmgmt" that is displayed as "License Management", uses a local URL, is available for Computer object and is display in the details window:

New-EmdbUserDefinedHtmlView "LicMgmt" -Displayname "License Management" -RegisteredForSchemaTag "Computer" -VisibleAs DetailWindow -Url "http://chisv01.solys.local:5042/licmgmt"

If you are working in an international environment, the display names for the different languages supported by DSM 2016.1 can be specified. To achieve this, you supply a hash-table as the value of the DisplayName-switch, where each element consists of the combination <culturecode>=<displayname> and the elements are separated by semicolons.

New-EmdbUserDefinedHtmlView "LicMgmt" -Displayname @{de="Lizenzmanagement";en="License Management"} -RegisteredForSchemaTag "Computer" -VisibleAs DetailWindow -Url "http://chisv01.solys.local:5042/licmgmt"

Note: Note that User-Defined HTML-View objects are not part of the context rootDSE and therefore they can be referenced without a full qualified path resp. an absolute path.