Creating Schedule-Variables

DSM supports properties, user-defined variables and schema extensions of the type "schedule". Since managing these values with the PowerShell Extensions is not quite trivial, new variable objects of the type "Schedule" were introduced with PSX 5.0. You can create such objects with the New-EmdbSchedule cmdlet.


Hint: The execution of these examples requires a connected PowerShell drive.

The following example creates a new object of the type "Schedule" and assigns it to the variable "MySchedule:

$MySchedule = New-EmdbSchedule

The ActivationWeek parameter can be used to determine whether the weekly schedule is active by default (default: inactive, possible values "Active, Inactive, UserDecides"):

$MySchedule = New-EmdbSchedule -ActivationWeek Active

Furthermore, the ActivationYear parameter can be used to specify whether the annual plan is active by default (default: inactive, possible values "Active, Inactive, UserDecides"):

$MySchedule = New-EmdbSchedule -ActivationWeek UserDecides -ActivationYear Active