Creating Permissions

Rights that can be granted are called Permissions since DSM DSM 2013.2 - unlike in previous versions, where objects of this type were called Tasks. This chapter describes how to create such Task-objects.

Hint: For compatibility reasons, the cmdlets for Task-objects (like New-EmdbTask) are still available. However, during an interactive PowerShell-session you will get a warning to use the new New-EmdbPermission cmdlet instead.


Hint: The execution of these examples requires a connected PowerShell drive.

In order to create new Permission, the cmdlet New-EmdbPermission is used. It takes a Permission-name as a mandatory and a description as an optional parameter:

$MyPermission = New-EmdbPermission -Path "Reboot" -Description "Required permission for executing the action Reboot"

This new Permission can now be associated with Roles. Role-Owners, that are granted this Permission, can execute actions, that have this right as a prerequisite.

These Permissions are especially relevant with respect to executing userdefined tasks.

Adding rights (or Permissions) to Roles, is described in detail in chapter Granting Permissions to Roles.

Note: Note that Permission-objects are not part of the context rootDSE and therefore they can be referenced without a full qualified path resp. an absolute path.