Creating Mobile Devices

New Mobile Device objects are created by using the cmdlet New-EmdbMobileDevice.


Hint: The execution of these examples requires a connected PowerShell drive.

In the example below, a new Mobile Device named "Android_HTC_01" is created in the context "emdb:\rootDSE\Managed Mobile Devices". Besides the name of the Device, the assigned operating system must be specified by supplying the -OperatingSystem parameter and the -RefId parameter must contain a unique identifier, for example the IMEI of the device in question.

New-EmdbMobileDevice "emdb:\rootDSE\Managed Mobile Devices\Android_HTC_01" -OperatingSystem "Android" -RefId "001234567890000"

This code creates a new Mobile Device object named "IOS_IPHONE_05" in the current context:

Cd "emdb:\rootDSE\Managed Mobile Devices\"

New-EmdbMobileDevice "IOS_IPHONE_05" -OperatingSystem "Apple" -RefId "011234567890000"

Note: The functionality described here is available for FrontRange DSM 7.1 and above only.