Central Licensefile Store

There are several scenarios, where the PowerShell Extensions will be installed on multiple servers or even all managed client-systems. The reasons include but are not limited to executing PSX-based PowerShell scripts for initiating reinstallations decentrally, reset Policy-Instances or others.

In such an environment, it is complex, for example after buying additional licenses (you will receive a new licensefile in this case), to distribute the new license to all systems. Although this can easily be accomplished by a simple NetInstall-package, it has to be done.

In order to address the necessity of distributing the licensefile, a new possibility of centrally storing the licensefile at a convenient network locations has been introduced. The decentral PSX-installations then reference to this central store. All you have to do is specify the path to the licensefile in the registry of the systems on which the PowerShell Extensions are installed. In the Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NWC Services GmbH\PowerShell Extensions a new string-value named LicensePath must be created.

The path to the licensefile must be stored in this value, whereas UNC-paths are also supported. A charming option would be, for example, to store the file in the Extern$-subdirectory of the DSM-share, as the license is then replicated automatically on all DSM-depots and can be accessed by all managed systems. Basically it is sufficient to specify the path to the file - optionally specifying the filename is possible, if - for whatever reasons - the licensefile doesn't have the default name nwcservices.blsadministration.dll.lic

Note: Please note, that the Registry-Key for storing the path to the licensefile has changed several times in previous PSX versions.

The keys used in older versions were

  • "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Network Competence Services GmbH\PowerShell Extensions for FrontRange DSM 7" for PSX version 2.1
  • "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NWC Services GmbH\PowerShell Extensions for FrontRange DSM 7" for PSX version 2.1.1
  • "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NWC Services GmbH\PowerShell Extensions for FrontRange DSM" for PSX version 3.0.

The new version 3.1 (and all future versions) now check the path

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NWC Services GmbH\PowerShell Extensions 

for the LicensePath-value. If you are upgrading using the MSI, setup will keep track of this change and migrates an existing value into the new key.

It is self-evident, that every system or user executing PSX-based PowerShell scripts, needs at least read-access to this licensefile.