Setting Software Installation Parameters

Sets the values of the specified Software Installation Parameter object(s).


Hint: The execution of these examples requires a connected PowerShell drive.

Already existing Software Installation Parameters can be modified, as long as the Software Package they are belonging to is not yet released. This is equivalent to manually changing the parameter's properties in the Packaging Workbench. Default values as well as values of already specified properties can be changed. In order to achieve this, the cmdlet Set-EmdbInstallationParameter is used.

In the next example the default value property of the Installation Parameter is changed to the value "0xDEADBEEF" and the property "Changeable by assignment" is set: 

Set-EmdbInstallationParameter -EmdbItem $MySoftwarePackage -ParameterName "LicenseKey" -DefaultValue "0xDEADBEEF" -ChangeablePerAssignment $true