New in version 4.1

Version 4.1 of the PowerShell Extensions for Ivanti DSM is primarily a compatibility release that provides full compatibility with DSM version 2017.1. 

New in Ivanti DSM 2017.1 is a property that applies to all objects of the system. This is the CreationSource-property in the Base propertygroup, in the English version with the display name Origin. This field is intended to provide an indication of how a particular object was created, for example, manually using the DSMC, via an Auto-Insert rule or an AD import.

For all objects that are created using the New-Emdb...-cmdlets via PSX, the CreationSource property is now filled with the value PSX7/PowerShell by default, as a sign that these objects were inserted via PSX. You can also customize the value of the CreationSource-property, for more details, see the Set CreationSource property section.