Alternatives for different functionality in DSM 2015.2
Alternatives for different functionality in DSM 2015.2
Based on the changes introduced in DSM-version 2015.2 in the Policy-handling area, perhaps some of your scripts or applications need to be adopted. Because of object-types, properties, methods or enumeration values no longer being available, it can happen that existing code doesn't work anymore or results in errors. This chapter lists some of the possibly affected actions:
Optionvalue PrepareForReinstall of the option OperationMode from Computer-objects:
The commands
$MyComputer.OperationMode = "PrepareForReinstall" $MyComputer.Update() |
and also calling the appropriate method
$MyComputer.PrepareForReinstall() |
do not work any longer and result in throwing an error message.
The reason is, that the value PrepareForReinstall is no longer valid for the property OperationMode (Computer.OperationMode)
As a workaround, in some situations the following commands can be used:
$MyComputer.OperationMode = "Inactive" $MyComputer.Update() |
or alternatively
$MyComputer.Deactivate() |
During a computer-reinstallation
$MyComputer | Reinstall-EmdbComputer <options> -- without -StartImmediate |
the Reinstall-EmdbComputer cmdlet can be uses without the switch -StartImmediately. After finishing the action, the value of the OperationMode property of the Computer is Inactive.
Note: For DSM versions prior DSM 2015.2 when executing the Reinstall-EmdbComputer cmdlet, the value of the OperationMode property ist set to PrepareForReinstall. |
Properties ServerRolloutState and ExecutionMode of Policy-Instances:
The commands
$MyPolicyInstance.ServerRolloutState = "<Wert>" $MyPolicyInstance.ExecutionMode = "<Wert>" $MyPolicyInstance.Update() |
do no longer work and result in an error message.
The reason for this new behaviour is, that the properties ServerRolloutState and ExecutionMode of Policy-Instances are now write-protected.
1. Reinstallation of Policy-Instances
That means, instead of the code that was used in prior versions of DSM, like the one below
$MyPolicyInstance.ServerRolloutState = "ToBeRedelivered" $MyPolicyInstance.ExecutionMode = "Reinstall" $MyPolicyInstance.Update() |
either the Reinstall()-method
$MyPolicyInstance.Reinstall() |
or the following code
$MyPolicyInstance.ReinstallRequestNumber++ $MyPolicyInstance.Update() |
has to be used
Note: For DSM versions prior DSM 2015.2 when calling the Reinstall()-method, the properties ServerRolloutState and ExecutionMode are used. |
2. Repair of Policy-Instances
That means, in order to execute Policy-Instances again in Repair-mode, instead of using the following code
$MyPolicyInstance.ServerRolloutState = "ToBeRedelivered" $MyPolicyInstance.ExecutionMode = "Repair" $MyPolicyInstance.Update() |
either the Repair()-method
$MyPolicyInstance.Repair() |
or the following commands
$MyPolicyInstance.RepairRequestNumber++ $MyPolicyInstance.Update() |
must be used.
Note: For DSM versions prior DSM 2015.2 when calling the Repair()-method, the properties ServerRolloutState and ExecutionMode are used. |
Functional extensions TargetID:Resolve... for LDAP filter at SOAP API GetPolicyList (EmdbHelpers.GetEmdbPolicyList)
The functional extensions TargetID:Resolve... are no longer available. Their use results in an error message.
1. Extension TargetID:ResolveDirect
$MyTarget = Get-EmdbComputer ... $MyTarget.GetPolicies() $MyTarget.GetPolicies($null, "ThisItemIsTarget") # $null = means all Policy-Types |
2. Extension TargetID:ResolveGroups
$MyTarget = Get-EmdbComputer ... $MyTarget.GetPolicies($null, "ThisItemHierarchyIsTarget") # $null = means all Policy-Types |
Note: This command retrieves, as apposed to TargetID:ResolveGroups, also Policies for Dynamic Groups. |
3. Extension TargetID:ResolveHierarchical
$MyTarget = Get-EmdbComputer ... $MyTarget.GetPolicies($null, "ThisItemGroupsIsTarget") # $null = means all Policy-Types |
4. Extension TargetID:ResolveDirectIn
a) option also available in older DSM versions (EmdbHelpers: GetEmdbPolicyList, GetEmdbPolicies):
$targets = Get-EmdbComputer ... $drive = $targets[0].Drive $ids = $targets | % { $_.ID } $in = [string]::Join(",", $ids) $ldap = New-Object NwcServices.EnteoV6Tools.Blsadministration.BlsLdapUrl $null, "subtree", $null, "TargetId:ResolveDirectIn=$($in)" # <path>, <scope>, <attributes>, <filter> $ids = [NwcServices.EnteoV6Tools.Blsadministration.EmdbHelpers]::GetEmdbPolicyList($drive, $ldap) | % { $_.ID } $policies = [NwcServices.EnteoV6Tools.Blsadministration.EmdbHelpers]::GetEmdbPolicies($drive, $ids) |
b) based on assignment targets (method GetPolicies on the assignment target)
$targets = Get-EmdbComputer ... # .GetPolicies() = all Policy-Types, or e.g. .GetPolicies("SwPolicy") = Software-Policies only... $policies = $targets | % { $_.GetPolicies() } | sort -Property ID -Unique |
c) based on Policy-Types (method GetPolicies on the BlsEmdb drive)
$targets = Get-EmdbComputer ... $drive = $targets[0].Drive $lookup = @{}; $targets | % { $lookup[$_.ID] = $_ } # .GetPolicies() = all, or e.g. .GetPolicies("SwPolicy") = Software-Policies only... $policies = $drive.GetPolicies() | where { @($_.TargetObjectList | where { $lookup.ContainsKey($_.TargetObjectID) }).Count -gt 0 } |
d) based on Policy-Types (EmdbHelpers: GetEmdbPolicyList, GetEmdbPolicies)
$targets = Get-EmdbComputer ... $drive = $targets[0].Drive $ids = $targets | % { $_.ID } $in = [string]::Join(",", $ids) $ldap = New-Object NwcServices.EnteoV6Tools.Blsadministration.BlsLdapUrl $null, "subtree", $null, "SchemaTag=SwPolicy" # <path>, <scope>, <attributes>, <filter> $ids = [NwcServices.EnteoV6Tools.Blsadministration.EmdbHelpers]::GetEmdbPolicyList($drive, $ldap) | % { $_.ID } $ldap = New-Object NwcServices.EnteoV6Tools.Blsadministration.BlsLdapUrl $null, "subtree", $null, "SchemaTag=PnpPolicy" # <path>, <scope>, <attributes>, <filter> $ids += [NwcServices.EnteoV6Tools.Blsadministration.EmdbHelpers]::GetEmdbPolicyList($drive, $ldap) | % { $_.ID } $policies = [NwcServices.EnteoV6Tools.Blsadministration.EmdbHelpers]::GetEmdbPolicies($drive, $ids) |
Note: One SOAP request per Policy(-Schema)-type seems necessary. An LDAP filter like $ldap = New-Object NwcServices.EnteoV6Tools.Blsadministration.BlsLdapUrl $null, "subtree", $null, "(|(SchemaTag=SwPolicy)(SchemaTag=PnpPolicy))" is plausible and syntactically correct - but is not accepted by the BLS. An LDAP filter like $ldap = New-Object NwcServices.EnteoV6Tools.Blsadministration.BlsLdapUrl $null, "subtree", $null, "(|(PolicySchemaTag=SwPolicy)(PolicySchemaTag=PnpPolicy))" ist accepted by the BLS and returns the correct results, but is not described in the API documentation. |
Note: Independent how $targets is retrieved, the options described above need... a) : two SOAP calls (GetEmdbPolicyList, GetEmdbPolicies) b) : one SOAP call per assignment-target (<target>.GetPolicies(...)) c) : two SOAP call per Policy-Type (<drive>.GetPolicies(...)) [* if a Policy-Type is not present, the second SOAP call is omitted] d) : one SOAP call per Policy-Type (GetEmdbPolicyList) plus one SOAP call (GetEmdbPolicies) [* closest to a)] |
Note: a) and d) are returning MdsPolicy objects, b) and c) are returning EmdbPolicy objects (conversion MdsPolicy to EmdbPolicy e.g..: $emdbPolicies = [NwcServices.EnteoV6Tools.Blsadministration.EmdbItem]::AsEmdbItem($mdsPolicies, $drive) ) |