Policy Basics

In contrast to objects of the Organization Directory or of the Global Software Library, Policy objects do not build up a hierarchical structure. Instead they model an association between exactly one Software Package - called the "Assigned Object" - and one or more target objects from the Organization Directory.

Hint: The Policy Target List is a property of a Policy. By manipulating this property (see section Altering Policy Target Lists), target objects can be added or removed from the list. Removing the Policy object for a target removes it implicitly for all other target objects.

Because Policy objects are used to model the associations between other objects, they are not part of a directory structure and therefore they are not directly accessible through a PowerShell drive.

Policy objects can be accessed indirectly by accessing the objects involved in the association, that is the assigned Software Package or one of the target objects. In a second step, the Policy object can be manipulated or deleted. This approach is described in more detail in section Retrieving Policies.

To create a Policy (see also section Creating Policies), you first have to create a Policy object and in the second step, you have to specify the associated Software Package and the target object(s).

For more information and examples please refer to the sections Removing Policies, Altering Policy Target Lists and Activating Policies.