New in version 3.2

In version 3.2 three new and several modified and extended cmdlets were implemented to further help and assist you in managing and using the new objects, functions and possibilities of DSM 2015.2. A total of 106 cmdlets is now available at your convenience:

Defining custom views:

Further changes and optimizations:

  • For the cmdlet New-EmdbPatchCategory one parameter was extended. The parameter TargetCategory now has the additional possible value (Schema Tag) LPRPatchPackage used for Patch-Categories containing Ivanti PatchLink Patch-Packages.

  • The cmdlet Reinstall-EmdbComputer has received the additional parameters RecalculatePolicyInstances, WakeUp and ActivationStartDate.

  • The cmdlets Get-EmdbPatchRolloutRule, New-EmdbPatchRolloutRule, Remove-EmdbPatchRolloutRule, Get-EmdbPatchTemplateRule, New-EmdbPatchTemplateRule and Remove-EmdbPatchTemplateRule have received the additional parameter ObjectClass.

    For Get-EmdbPatchRolloutRule, New-EmdbPatchRolloutRule, Remove-EmdbPatchRolloutRule valid parameter values are VMWPPatchRolloutRule and LPRPatchRolloutRule, for Get-EmdbPatchTemplateRule, New-EmdbPatchTemplateRule and Remove-EmdbPatchTemplateRule the parameter can have a value of VMWPPatchTemplateRule or LPRPatchTemplateRule.

  • Based on the Policy-Refactoring which has been carried out in DSM 2015.2,there are changes which could make adjusting existing PowerShell scripts necessary. Functionalities affected are the reinstallation of Computers and the reinstall or repair of assigned Software-Packages (Policy-Instances). You can find more information in chapter Alternatives for different functionality in DSM 2015.2.

    Furthermore, another consequence of the refactoring is, that the type (Schema Tag) SwShopPolicy is  no longer available. This means, there are no more Software-Shop Policy objects.

  • The Software-Package assigned (AssignedObjectID) via a Policy-Instance (EmdbPolicyInstance) has been removed beginning with DSM 2015.2 and is now determined indirectly via an assigned so-called Software-Installationconfiguration (Type EmdbSoftwareInstallationConfiguration, Schema Tag SwInstallationConfiguration).

    That means, <policy instance>.GetAssignedObject() is more precisely <policy instance>.GetAssignedConfigrationItem().GetSoftware() or, to be completely correct, because of the method GetAssignedConfigrationItem of objects of type EmdbPolicyInstance being a script-method <policy instance>.GetAssociatedConfigrationItem("Assigned").GetSoftware().

    The other available Software-Installationconfigurations are:
    • Desired (GetDesiredConfigurationItem)
    • Installed (GetInstalledConfigurationItem) and
    • LastExecuted (GetLastExecutedConfigurationItem)

The Software-Installationconfigurations of a Software-Package can be retrieved via <software>.GetInstallationConfigurations(), a Policy-object (EmdbPolicy) has both, either (still) the AssignedObjectID as well as the AssignedConfiguration.

  • There are several other changes concerning object-classes, especially on objects of the following types:
    • Properties on objects of type EmdbPolicy and EmdbPolicyInstance.
    • Additional variants of methods on EmdbPolicy-objects like Create, CreationAllowed, Update, UpdateProperties, Delete, AddTarget, RemoveTarget and UpgradePolicyInstances.
    • Additional variants of methods on EmdbComputer-objects like GetPolicyInstances and UpgradePolicyInstances.