New in version 4.5

The following new features and bug fixes have been implemented in version 4.5 of the CANCOM Packaging PowerBench:

New features
  • The integration of the PPB into the deployment systems is now multi-client capable, i.e. you can configure any number of integrations of one type (e.g. several Microsoft Intune integrations).
  • Drag-and-drop is now available in the package tree to move or copy packages.
  • The package tree context menu has been expanded to include options for renaming, saving as, and deleting packages, package revisions, and folders.
  • The list of recently used packages now has a consistent context menu to the packages in the package tree.
  • The icon of a package can now also be changed via the context menu in the package tree.
  • Package revisions are now displayed in the package tree and can also be deleted from there.
  • Packages can now be sealed so that no more changes can be made to the current package revision.
  • When importing DSM packages, the DSM variables %_Script_Name%, %Project.Name% and %CurrentPackage.Object.Name% are now converted to ${CurrentPackage.Name}. Additionally, the DSM variable %Project.Guid% is converted to ${CurrentPackage.ID} and %Project.Description% is converted to ${CurrentPackage.Description}.
  • The PowerShell comparison operator -like is now displayed by default in command dialogs that allow a comparison.
  • With the If condition Compare strings, the list of variables is now displayed by entering $.
  • Previously, DSM online import only offered "eScript" packages for import. Packages of the type "MSI package" can now also be imported. It is also possible to search or filter for packages in the Global Software Library window.
  • Backups of the Script.ps1 file are now created when a package is saved. In addition, the date of the change and the last editor are saved and displayed in the package properties.
  • Package properties that cannot be changed (especially the Package ID) can now be selected and copied to the clipboard.
  • The package revision of an open package is displayed both in the title bar and in the file registers of the script.
  • If a user-specific classified command is inserted for a package for which no user parts were previously activated, the setting "Package has user-part" is now automatically set to "Yes".
  • In the backstage view under “Help”, details of the licenses used are now displayed.
  • You can now export your configuration settings and import them to another system so that you do not have to carry out the configuration again on every packaging system.

DSM script commands that have been newly implemented

New script commands for which there is no equivalent in DSM

The following bugs and problems from version 4.1 have been fixed
  • When importing DSM packages, some properties (e.g. DisplayName and HasUserPart) ended up in the wrong property groups of the PPB package.
  • The Add-LocalGroupMember and Remove-LocalGroupMember commands caused an error and packet abort if the desired state existed before the command was executed.
  • Under certain conditions, the command and parameter suggestion list was not displayed in expert mode.
  • Variables in registry keys or registry value names were not resolved at runtime.
  • If the Request-EndInstallerSession command was configured as user-specific, double-clicking the command reset the classification.
  • The Request-EndInstallerSession command tried to write to the LocalMachine registry hive even if it was flagged user-specific. Now the entry is created in the CurrentUser section if the command is configured as user-specific. If the command is not flagged at all, the value is created in the current section. 
  • The Packaging PowerBench did not consistently support package paths longer than 260 characters.
  • In the Package List, the directory name of the package was always displayed instead of the package name.
  • The Remove-Directory command sometimes removed non-empty directories even though the corresponding option was not selected.
  • The Invoke-Script and Invoke-ScriptAs commands always called the specified script with execution policy "RemoteSigned". Now the desired execution policy can be specified via the additional parameter -ExecutionPolicy in expert mode.
  • The "Replace all" mode in the Set-NtfsSecurity command only added the specified permissions instead of completely replacing the existing ones.
  • Wildcard If-conditions in imported DSM packages may have been interpreted incorrectly.
  • After importing a DSM package, the command list was not displayed under certain conditions
  • The PPB window may not have been displayed correctly in Terminal Server sessions.
  • The Remove-Link command did not delete Internet links.
  • Right-clicking a multi-selection in the script window deselected the selection, and the context-menu was displayed only for the item under the mouse pointer.
  • If a package contained files larger than 2 GB, the package could not be exported or converted to the Microsoft Intune format.
  • When preparing for distribution, an existing revision directory was not emptied, so that any old, no longer used files were retained in the Rev subdirectory.
  • When executing the Dismount-Registry command, access could be denied.
  • The repackager did not delete certain files when creating the package.
  • In the DSM wrapper, the Package ID was missing in the registry path for checking the return value when user-defined logging of the package installation.
  • The return code 1618 was logged as successfully executed in the DSM wrapper.
