Available variables
Available variables
PowerShell App Deployment Toolkit and Packaging PowerBench variables
The variables in the following table are defined by the PowerShell App Deployment Toolkit and the Package Deployment module of Packaging PowerBench.
Variable name |
Description |
.\ |
The so-called "automatic reference", which points to the package directory |
appDeployToolkitName |
The name of the deployment toolkit, in the context of the PPB always "PSAppDeployToolkit". |
appName |
The name of the currently executed package. |
DeploymentType |
Gibt den Deployment-Type an. Mögliche Werte sind "Install", "Uninstall" und "Repair" |
DisableLogging |
Gibt an, ob das Logging aktuell deaktiviert ist |
installName |
Eine Kombination aus Paketname, Plattform, Sprache und Revision (z.B. "MeinPaket_AMD64_de_1") |
installPhase |
Der Name des Scriptfiles und des DeploymentType (z.B. "Script.ps1/Install") |
logName |
Name des aktuellen Logfiles, in das die Ausführung des Pakets protokolliert wird |
Active Directory variables
The Active Directory variables are declared by the script ADS.Variables.ps1 and have the prefix ADS in the Packaging PowerBench.
Variable name |
Description |
ADS.DC.Address |
Address of the first domain controller found in the domain. |
ADS.DC.AddressFamiliy |
Families of the address found, e.g. "InterNetwork" for IP addresses. |
ADS.DC.AddressType |
Type of address found, e.g. "INET" for IP address. |
ADS.DC.ClientSite |
AD site of the computer on which the command is executed. |
ADS.DC.DNSForest |
DNS name of the current domain forest. |
ADS.DC.Domain |
Domain name of the current domain. |
ADS.DC.Name |
Name of the first domain controller found in the domain. |
ADS.DC.Site |
AD site of the first domain controller found in the domain. |
ADS.DSE.CN.DefaultContext |
Canonical Name of the default context in AD. |
ADS.DSE.CN.DirectoryServer |
Canonical Name of the contacted domain controller. |
ADS.DSE.CN.RootDomainController |
Canonical Name of the root domain. |
ADS.DSE.DN.DefaultContext |
Distinguished Name of the default context in AD. |
ADS.DSE.DN.DirectoryServer |
Distinguished Name of the contacted domain controller. |
ADS.DSE.DN.RootDomainController |
Distinguished Name of the root domain of the contacted domain controller. |
ADS.DSE.LdapServiceName |
Kerberos Principal name. |
Distinguished Name of the local computer in AD. |
ADS.NODE.Fullname |
The full name of the local computer in AD. |
The computer name of the local computer in AD. |
The Relative Distinguished Name of the local computer in AD. |
ADS.SiteName |
The name of the current AD site. |
Der Distinguished Name of the current AD user. |
ADS.USR.Fullname |
The full name of the current AD user. |
The Relative Distinguished Name of the current AD user. |
ADS.USR.Username |
The username of the current AD user. |
Package variables
The package variables are declared by the script CurrentPackage.Variables.ps1 and have the prefix CurrentPackage in the Packaging PowerBench.
Variable name |
Description |
CurrentPackage.AppMoniker |
The software product that is packaged. |
CurrentPackage.Architecture |
Determines if this is a package for 32-bit or 64-bit (or both) platforms. Possible values are "X86", "AMD64" and "X86AMD64" |
CurrentPackage.CodeFilesToSign |
List of code files to sign. |
CurrentPackage.Description |
Description of the package. |
CurrentPackage.DisplayName |
Localized name of the package to display during installation. |
CurrentPackage.HasUserPart |
Setting that indicates whether the package has a user part. |
CurrentPackage.Homepage |
Link to the the product's homepage. |
CurrentPackage.ID |
Unique package identifier used for tracking installations and other purposes. |
CurrentPackage.Language |
Language of the package. Possible values are "de", "en" and "ml" (multilanguage) |
CurrentPackage.License |
License of the installed product. |
CurrentPackage.LicenseUrl |
Link to the product's license conditions. |
CurrentPackage.Name |
Internal name of the package. |
CurrentPackage.Revision |
Revision of the package used to track installation. |
CurrentPackage.RevisionComment |
Description and comments of the current package revision. |
CurrentPackage.ScriptAuthor |
Packaging engineer in charge of the script. |
CurrentPackage.ScriptDate |
Date of initial package creation. |
CurrentPackage.SkipImmediateUserPartExecution |
Setting that specifies whether user parts are installed only after logging off and logging on. |
CurrentPackage.TemplateIncludePath |
Specifies the base directory of the runtime files copied to the package directory. |
CurrentPackage.Vendor |
The vendor of the software that is packaged. |
CurrentPackage.Version |
The version of the packaged software product. |
Miscellaneous variables
The variables of the following table are declared by the script Misc.Variables.ps1.
Variable name |
Description |
The first found IPv4 address of the current computer. |
All IPv4 addresses of the current computer. |
The first found IPv6 address of the current computer. |
All IPv6 addresses of the current computer. |
The first found IPv4 gateway of the current computer. |
All IPv4 gateways of the current computer. |
The first found IPv4 subnet mask of the current computer. |
All IPv4 subnet masks of the current computer. |
The first found MAC address of the current computer. |
All MAC addresses of the current computer. |
Flag whether the first IP address found was obtained via DHCP. |
Flag whether the respective IP address was obtained via DHCP. |
IP name of the computer as it is bound to the first network address. |
IP name of the computer as it is bound to the respective network address. |
Name of the current Active Directory site of the current user. |
Name of the current Active Directory domain of the current user. |
The full name of the current user. |
The domain controller that authenticated the current user. |
The resource domain of the current user. |
The SID of the current user. |
The username of the current user. |
The NT4-compatible full name of the current user. |
The NT4-compatible name of the current computer. |
The NT4-compatible user name of the current user. |
The full path to the System32 directory. |
Shell Folder variables
The following shell folder variables declared in the ShellFOlders.Variables.ps1 script are provided by Windows and contain directory paths for special system folders (see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.environment.specialfolder).
Variable name |
Description |
ShellFolders.AdminTools |
The file system directory that is used to store administrative tools for an individual user. |
ShellFolders.ApplicationData |
The directory that serves as a common repository for application-specific data for the current roaming user. |
ShellFolders.CDBurning |
The file system directory that acts as a staging area for files waiting to be written to a CD. |
ShellFolders.CommonAdminTools |
The file system directory that contains administrative tools for all users of the computer. |
ShellFolders.CommonApplicationData |
The directory that serves as a common repository for application-specific data that is used by all users. |
ShellFolders.CommonDesktopDirectory |
The file system directory that contains files and folders that appear on the desktop for all users. |
ShellFolders.CommonDocuments |
The file system directory that contains documents that are common to all users. |
ShellFolders.CommonMusic |
The file system directory that serves as a repository for music files common to all users. |
ShellFolders.CommonOemLinks |
This value is recognized in Windows Vista and later for backward compatibility, but the special folder itself is no longer used. |
ShellFolders.CommonPictures |
The file system directory that serves as a repository for image files common to all users. |
ShellFolders.CommonProgramFiles |
The directory for components that are shared across applications. |
ShellFolders.CommonProgramFilesX86 |
The Program Files folder. |
ShellFolders.CommonPrograms |
A folder for components that are shared across applications. |
ShellFolders.CommonStartMenu |
The file system directory that contains the programs and folders that appear on the Start menu for all users. |
ShellFolders.CommonStartup |
The file system directory that contains the programs that appear in the Startup folder for all users. |
ShellFolders.CommonTemplates |
The file system directory that contains the templates that are available to all users. |
ShellFolders.CommonVideos |
The file system directory that serves as a repository for video files common to all users. |
ShellFolders.Cookies |
The directory that serves as a common repository for Internet cookies. |
ShellFolders.Desktop |
The logical Desktop rather than the physical file system location. |
ShellFolders.DesktopDirectory |
The directory used to physically store file objects on the desktop. |
ShellFolders.Favorites |
The directory that serves as a common repository for the user's favorite items. |
ShellFolders.Fonts |
A virtual folder that contains fonts. |
ShellFolders.History |
The directory that serves as a common repository for Internet history items. |
ShellFolders.InternetCache |
The directory that serves as a common repository for temporary Internet files. |
ShellFolders.LocalApplicationData |
The directory that serves as a common repository for application-specific data that is used by the current, non-roaming user. |
ShellFolders.LocalizedResources |
The file system directory that contains localized resource data. |
ShellFolders.MyComputer |
The My Computer folder. |
ShellFolders.MyDocuments |
The My Documents folder. |
ShellFolders.MyMusic |
The My Music folder. |
ShellFolders.MyPictures |
The My Pictures folder. |
ShellFolders.MyVideos |
The file system directory that serves as a repository for videos that belong to a user. |
ShellFolders.NetworkShortcuts |
A file system directory that contains the link objects that may exist in the My Network Places virtual folder. |
ShellFolders.Personal |
The directory that serves as a common repository for documents. |
ShellFolders.PrinterShortcuts |
The file system directory that contains the link objects that can exist in the Printers virtual folder. |
ShellFolders.ProgramFiles |
The program files directory. |
ShellFolders.ProgramFilesX86 |
The x86 Program Files folder. |
ShellFolders.Programs |
The directory that contains the user's program groups. |
ShellFolders.Recent |
The directory that contains the user's most recently used documents. |
ShellFolders.Resources |
The file system directory that contains resource data. |
ShellFolders.SendTo |
The directory that contains the Send To menu items. |
ShellFolders.StartMenu |
The directory that contains the Start menu items. |
ShellFolders.Startup |
The directory that corresponds to the user's Startup program group. |
ShellFolders.System |
The System directory. |
ShellFolders.SystemX86 |
The Windows System folder. |
ShellFolders.Templates |
The directory that serves as a common repository for document templates. |
ShellFolders.UserProfile |
The user's profile folder. |
ShellFolders.Windows |
The Windows directory or SYSROOT. This corresponds to the %windir% or %SYSTEMROOT% environment variables. |
Environment variables
The environment variables of your Windows installation that are defined in the PowerShell drive Env: are also available in the Packaging PowerBench. Which variables are defined on your system depends on your environment. The table below lists the environment variables commonly available on Windows 10 clients. For referencing purposes, prefix the name of the variable with the drive name Env:.
Variable name |
Description |
The full path of the All Users profile directory, which contains default profile information shared by every user. |
Location of AppData hidden folder, used by some installed programs to store user application data. |
Env:CommonProgramFiles |
Location of the Common Files directory. This folder contains files for common programs and utilities on a computer, mostly system and services related. |
Env:CommonProgramFiles(x86) |
Location of the Common Files directory used by 32-bit programs. Only used in 64-bit versions of Windows. |
Env:CommonProgramW6432 |
Only used in 64-bit versions of Windows. |
The name of your computer, as set in Control Panel > System > Computer Name. |
Env:ComSpec |
Location of the default command interpreter. |
The drive letter assigned to the volume which contains your user profiles. |
The path, minus the drive letter, of the current user's profile directory. |
Location of the Local subfolder of AppData, used by some installed programs to store user data. Common temporary files to be stored here are desktop themes, Windows error reporting, program caching and Internet browser profiles. |
The network location of the logon server. |
Number of processor cores (doubled when hyperthreading is activated) |
Env:OS |
Contains "Windows_NT" for all actual Windows operating systems |
Env:Path |
List of paths, delimited by a semicolon, to be automatically searched for files. Specifically, files with an extension listed in %PATHEXT% are looked for in %PATH% if they are not found in the current directory. Paths are searched in the order listed. |
Files with these extensions, if not found in the current directory, are looked for in %PATH%. |
Abbreviation of the processor architecture (AMD64 oder X86) |
Identifier of the processor |
Level of the processor |
Revision of the processor |
Env:ProgramData |
Location of the ProgramData hidden folder, used by some installed programs to store user data. |
Env:ProgramFiles |
Location of the Program Files directory, the default location of installed programs. On 64-bit versions of Windows, this directory is the default location of 64-bit programs. |
Env:ProgramFiles(x86) |
The default location of 32-bit programs. This variable is only present in 64-bit versions of Windows. |
Env:ProgramW6432 |
This variable is used by the WOW64 emulation layer, and is only present in 64-bit versions of Windows. |
Env:PSModulePath |
Location of modules used by Windows PowerShell. |
Location of the Public user profile. |
When logging on directly to machine, returns "Console". When client connects via terminal server session, is combination of connection name, followed by pound symbol {#} and session number. |
Env:SystemDrive |
The drive letter of the volume where Windows is installed. |
Env:SystemRoot |
The directory containing the Windows system. |
Env:TEMP |
The default location of temporary files. The files located in this directory can be deleted periodically to help improve computer performance. |
Env:TMP |
The default location of temporary files. The files located in this directory can be deleted periodically to help improve computer performance. |
The domain of where the current user belongs. |
The network domain name associated with the current roaming profile. |
The username of the current user |
The path to the current user's profile directory where the current logged in user's profile data is stored. |
Env:windir |
A modern equivalent of/replacement for %SystemRoot%. This directory is where Windows will install. |
PowerShell variables
The variables in the following table are defined directly by PowerShell and are available in the PPB. Which variables exactly are available depends on the PowerShell version you have installed. The list below refers to PowerShell 5.1.
Variable name |
Description |
$ |
Contains the last token in the last line received by the session. |
? |
Contains the execution status of the last command. It contains True if the last command succeeded and False if it failed. |
^ |
Contains the first token in the last line received by the session. |
ConfirmPrefence |
Determines whether PowerShell automatically prompts you for confirmation before running a cmdlet or function. |
ConsoleFileName |
Contains the path of the console file (.psc1) that was most recently used in the session. |
DebugPreference |
Determines how PowerShell responds to debugging messages generated by a script, cmdlet or provider, or by a Write-Debug command at the command line. |
Error |
Contains an array of error objects that represent the most recent errors. |
ErrorActionPreference |
Determines how PowerShell responds to a non-terminating error, an error that doesn't stop the cmdlet processing. |
ErrorView |
Contains the value controlling the view in which errors are displayed. |
ExecuctionContext |
Contains an EngineIntrinsics object that represents the execution context of the PowerShell host. |
false |
Contains False. You can use this variable to represent False in commands and scripts instead of using the string "false" |
FormatEnumerationLimit |
Determines how many enumerated items are included in a display. |
Contains the full path of the user's home directory. |
Host |
Contains an object that represents the current host application for PowerShell. |
InformationPreference |
The ${InformationPreference} variable lets you set information stream preferences that you want displayed to users. |
MaximumAliasCount |
Determines how many aliases are permitted in a PowerShell session. |
MaximumDriveCount |
Determines how many PowerShell drives are permitted in a given session. |
MaximumErrorCount |
Determines how many errors are saved in the error history for the session. |
MaximumFunctionCount |
Determines how many functions are permitted in a given session. |
MaximumHistoryCount |
Determines how many commands are saved in the command history for the current session. |
MaximumVariableCount |
Determines how many variables are permitted in a given session, including automatic variables, preference variables, and the variables that you create in commands and scripts. |
NestedPromptLevel |
Contains the current prompt level. A value of 0 indicates the original prompt level. |
null |
${null} is an automatic variable that contains a null or empty value. You can use this variable to represent an absent or undefined value in commands and scripts. |
OutputEncoding |
Determines the character encoding method that PowerShell uses when it sends text to other applications. |
Contains the process identifier (PID) of the process that is hosting the current PowerShell session. |
ProgressPreference |
Determines how PowerShell responds to progress updates generated by a script, cmdlet, or provider, such as the progress bars generated by the Write-Progress cmdlet. |
PSCommandPath |
Contains the full path and file name of the script that's being run. |
PSCulture |
Beginning in PowerShell 7, ${PSCulture} reflects the culture of the current PowerShell runspace (session). |
PSDefaultParameterValues |
Specifies default values for the parameters of cmdlets and advanced functions. |
PSEdition |
In PowerShell 5.1 and above, you can find out what edition you are running with the $PSEdition automatic variable. |
PSEmailServer |
Specifies the default e-mail server that is used to send email messages. |
Contains the full path of the installation directory for PowerShell, typically, $env:windir\System32\PowerShell\v1.0 in Windows systems. |
PSScriptRoot |
Contains the full path of the executing script's parent directory. |
PSSessionApplicationName |
Specifies the default application name for a remote command that uses Web Services for Management (WS-Management) technology. |
PSSessionConfigurationName |
Specifies the default session configuration that is used for PSSessions created in the current session. |
PSSessionOption |
Establishes the default values for advanced user options in a remote session. |
PSUICulture |
Contains the name of the user interface (UI) culture that's currently in use in the operating system. |
PSVersionTable |
Contains a read-only hash table that displays details about the version of PowerShell that is running in the current session. |
Contains a path object that represents the full path of the current directory location for the current PowerShell runspace. |
ShellId |
Contains the identifier of the current shell. |
StackTrace |
Contains a stack trace for the most recent error. |
true |
Contains True. You can use this variable to represent True in commands and scripts. |
VerbosePreference |
Determines how PowerShell responds to verbose messages generated by a script, cmdlet, or provider, such as the messages generated by the Write-Verbose cmdlet. |
WarningPreference |
Determines how PowerShell responds to warning messages generated by a script, cmdlet, or provider, such as the messages generated by the Write-Warning cmdlet. |
WhatIfPreference |
Determines whether WhatIf is automatically enabled for every command that supports it. |