PackageDeployment Module Help |
Package Deployment Module |
Add-OemEnvironmentPath Cmdlet |
Version |
Append Path to Any File
Add-OemEnvironmentPath [-Path] <String> [[-Position] <String>] [[-DialogTitle] <String>] [-ConfirmChanges] [-ContinueOnError] [-Wow64] [-BatchFile] <String> [[-Context] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Use this command to extend the path statement in any batch file (*.BAT).
-BatchFile <String> |
Specify the name (with path, if necessary) of the batch file you want to change. |
-ConfirmChanges <SwitchParameter> |
If checked, all changes must be confirmed. When the installation package is executed, a dialog box will be displayed, containing two text boxes: the entry in the first text box shows the current version of the AUTOEXEC.BAT file and the second text box contains the proposed new version (You cannot access this dialog box from Windows NT). |
-Context <String> |
User: Execution under user account; logging in HKEY_CURRENT_USER, i.e. for the user. |
-ContinueOnError <SwitchParameter> |
Continues script execution in spite of errors in the respective command. |
-DialogTitle <String> |
If you want to inform the user about modifications to the path statement, you must enter the name of the application for which you extended the path statement. A message box will be displayed when the installation package is executed. |
-Path <String> |
Enter the directory or directories you want to add to the path statement. Check the option to ensure that the extension is inserted at the beginning of the statement. |
-Position <String> |
Enter the line in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file before or after which the new path statement should be placed. You can use wildcards here. |
-Wow64 <SwitchParameter> |
By default, the PackageDeployment module assumes to run in a 64-bit PowerShell process on 64-bit systems, and therefore defaults to the 64-bit application location (if different from the 32-bit application location) for file and registry accesses. If you want to access the 32-bit counterparts (in the file system %WinDir%\SysWOW64 instead of %WinDir%\System32, in the registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node instead of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE), use the -Wow64 switch. |
<CommonParameters> |
For more information about common parameters, type "Get-Help about_CommonParameters". |