
Changes or adds a value of type Multi_SZ in the registry. This command can be used to create, delete, and modify multi_SZ strings.

Use this command with extreme caution. Incorrect information can easily cause irreparable damage to the operating system.


  • Key
    Select the key in which a value is to be set. Variables are allowed. Use the "..." button to select an existing key (on the packaging system) or enter the key manually.
  • Value name
    Optionally the default value of the key or the name of another value.
    • Default value
      The content of the default value of the key is written.
    • Radio button 
      Select an existing value (on the packaging system) from the drop-down list or enter the value name manually.
  • Values
    The value or values to be entered in the MULTI_SZ value. The action is used to specify how the value is to be set.
    • Replace values
      The content is set to the specified value or values and any existing content is overwritten.
    • Replace values from position given below
      Leave existing content up to the specified position, but replace content from the position with the specified value(s).
    • Insert values at the beginning
      Inserts the specified value or values at the beginning without overwriting existing content.
    • Insert values at the end
      Appends the specified value or values at the end without overwriting existing content.
    • Insert values in alphabetical order
      Inserts the specified value or values in alphabetical order without overwriting existing content.
    • Insert values in reverse alphabetical order
      Inserts the specified value(s) in alphabetically reversed order without overwriting existing content.
    • Insert values at the position given below
      Inserts the specified value or values at the specified position without overwriting existing content.
    • Delete value from existing string
      Removes the specified value or values from the existing content.
    • Position
      Position specification for the options "Replace values from position given below" and "Insert values at position given below"
  • Use 32-Bit mode on x64 computer
    If the script runs on a 64-bit operating system, referencing the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE key allows the 32-bit application counterpart HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node to be used automatically.


The following example changes the dependent services for the Network Location Awareness (NLA) service on a domain controller so that it does not start until the Active Directory domain services and the DNS service have started.

Corresponds to DSM eScript command:

  • RegModifyMultiSZ

See also: