Package publishing to Configuration Manager

If you want to publish a package created with the Packaging PowerBench in Microsoft Configuration Manager, you must perform the following steps:

Note: Publishing packages requires a Configuration Manager Admin Console installed on the machine from which you are executing the action.

  • Optionally, open the Packaging PowerBench package you want to publish, so that the package will be automatically suggested to you later.
  • Now select "Publish Package" from the "Import / Export" section of the "Tasks" ribbon. If the button is disabled, you must first enable and configure one of the available integrations.

  • You are welcomed by the Publish Package Wizard, on which you please press the "Publish a Microsoft Configuration Manager package" button.

Note: The button "Publish a Microsoft Configuration Manager package" is available only, if the Configuration Manager integration is enabled and configured.

  • On the following wizard page you can see the connection data entered in the configuration of the Configuration Manager integration. You can use the "Test connection" link to check whether the connection data has been entered correctly and is working. Confirm the connection data with "Next".

Note: You can also enter alternative connection data here if, for example, you want to register a package in another Configuration Manager installation on a test basis. If you overwrite the data here, the configured integration settings are not changed.

  • Confirm the preselected package directory or select the directory of the package to be published via the "..." button. The label "Revision" shows you the selected package revision, the label "Installation file" tells you that the executable "Deploy-Application.exe" will be called to execute the package. Confirm the selection with "Next".

  • On the following wizard page, you specify the settings and values with which the package is published to Configuration Manager. You must or can enter the following values:

Name (mandatory)

Name of the application as it should appear in the Company Portal

Description (optional)

Brief description of the application

Publisher (optional)

Vendor or author of the application

Version (optional)

Version of the application

Category (optional)

One or more categories under which the application is listed in the Company Portal

Logo (optional)

Path to the icon of the application that will be displayed in the Company Portal

Featured app in Company Portal (optional)

If activated, the app is displayed as featured app in the Company Portal

  • On this page, you specify which ID and revision are used to create the detection rules that the Configuration Manager client can use to detect in the registry whether the package was successfully installed. Confirm your selection with "Next".

  • On the following wizard page you will see a summary and can now complete the publishing by clicking "Finish".

  • Finally, the performed actions are listed again and you can close the wizard.

The package is now available in your Microsoft Configuration Manager environment and can be deployed to the desired collections there.