Background information installation modes

As described in the Execution of packages section, you execute a package by calling the "Deploy-Application.exe" executable that is located in the package directory.

You can specify which installation mode is used by using the command line parameter "InstallMode" to specify how the installation should be performed. If you do not specify the "InstallMode" parameter, the default value is "Install". You call the package in the format "Deploy-Application.exe -InstallMode <Mode>".

Possible values for InstallMode are:

  • Install
    Either only the computer part (for non-interactive execution) or both computer and user part (for interactive execution) is installed.
  • InstallComputerPart
    Only the computer part is installed.
  • InstallUserPart
    Only the user part is installed (typically via Active Setup).
  • Modify
    A modification execution takes place. In its current status, this corresponds to a normal installation.
  • Reinstall
    A reinstallation takes place and the script is executed again.
  • Repair
    A repair installation takes place. In the current status this corresponds to a normal installation.
  • Uninstall
    Either only the computer portion (for non-interactive execution) or both the computer and user portions (for interactive execution) are uninstalled.
  • Update
    An update installation takes place. In the current status this corresponds to a normal installation.

Starting with version 2.0, an additional command line parameter can be passed to "Deploy-Application.exe", which ensures that a copy is automatically created from the package directory. This parameter was introduced because after successful execution of a package, the Microsoft Intune Management Extension clears the package cache itself and therefore for packages with a user part this could not be executed.

  • PersistCache
    The package copies itself to the "%ProgramData%\NWC Services\PackageDeployment\PackageCache" directory. The Active Setup registry values then point to this directory instead of the native package directory.